Prepare Employees for Pest Control Season!

professional pest controlDid you know that the Pest Control Industry represents $12 billion dollars in annual sales, according to IBIS? With the annual bug boom happening every summer, there’s no arguing over why. Pests and insects can cause all sorts of problems from just being plain unsightly and creepy, to creating several severe health concerns in your home and for your family and pets. It’s true, pests carry any number of diseases from the seriously dangerous and life threatening Lyme disease found in some ticks, to less severe but still serious and potentially life-threatening asthma.

Over the past number of years, countless studies are beginning to show that children in homes with more cockroaches show higher rates of asthma and breathing issues than children in homes without. With more and more homes becoming infested with cockroaches and other pests, it’s no wonder pest control services are in need!

The demand for pest control is always highest during the summer months when the creepy-crawly bugs start to venture out into the open where they can be seen. This is the time when people start leaving food around, and bugs don’t hesitate to take swift advantage of the freebies! So get all of your pest control employees ready for the big season ahead by making sure they have absolutely everything they need!

So what do we suggest?

1. Test and maintain all of your equipment if you haven’t already done so. Make sure your pumps are working properly and your equipment is clean, free from defects, and ready to roll! Give each set up a few trial tests before passing it on to anyone else. You want to ensure you are supplying the absolute best pest control equipment right from the start, and you’ll look unprofessional and unprepared if you don’t.

2. Presentation is absolutely key so make sure that you service and clean all vehicles! Because even if it is parked in the street outside the house, you never know when a customer will look inside a vehicle! Neighbors, joggers, and even the mailman can and probably will look inside the cab. Make sure you detail every one of your vehicles and inspire your pest control representatives to keep their vehicles clean.

pest control rectangle name tag 3 line silver3. Double check every single uniform for tears, rips, stains and general wear and tear. Uniforms may be made up of higher quality materials, but that doesn’t mean that they will last forever! Make sure your employees uniforms are still in professional shape. This ensures your employees make the best possible impression at every home that they visit. Just remember with every successful house call your exterminators make, your business’s good reputation will spread!

4. Be sure to update all of your marketing materials! This includes stationary, billing forms, legal paperwork and of course, your employee name tags! Your pest control name tags are a vital link between customers and your employees. Connect with your client’s right from the start and get fresh new custom name tags before the pest season starts!

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